Women Sport Practices – PINK CLAW
This questionnaire was made in the framework of the PINK CLAW project. The PINK CLAW project is a European ERASMUS+ Sport project running between 2023 and 2025. It aims to empower women with and through sport. The project aims to create a group of female technicians capable of teaching a female audience different so-called “masculine” activities (obstacle course, self-defence, tactical fitness, etc.).
For more information on the subject, please consult the project website: https://www.pinkclaw-europe.eu/
For this evaluation, the Alice Milliat Association chose to consult directly with women in Europe: this survey aims to gather information on women’s participation in sport and the potential barriers and obstacles they have to overcome. Consequently, this survey was designed as a tool to understand both incentives and barriers to women’s participation in sport.
NB: The terms “women” and “female” are aimed at individuals who self-identify as such.
Please take our survey in one of the project languages:
EN: https://forms.gle/7HDjHX7ymJRfzb3A6
FR: https://forms.gle/WtPt8mufJLe3mhvk7
IT: https://forms.gle/ZxR8L5hC21FZSgMm9
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